Dental Terms

Panorex Rockland

A Panorex is a remarkable piece of dental imaging equipment with the capability to identify various dental issues and structures that may go unnoticed with standard X-rays. During this imaging procedure, you will be seated comfortably with your chin resting on a small ledge. The Panorex machine will then rotate around your head, capturing a complete 360-degree view of your teeth, head, sinuses, and bones.

This comprehensive view of your head's structure provides valuable information to your dentist. It enables us to detect potential problems and ensure that everything is functioning correctly. The Panorex imaging is particularly effective in identifying specific types of structural issues, infections, asymmetry, and more.

At Dentistry @ Rockland, we utilize Panorex imaging to enhance our diagnostic capabilities and provide you with the best possible dental care. If you have any concerns about your oral health or if your dentist has recommended a Panorex X-ray, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach our office at 613.446.0009 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Raja Sandhu. We are conveniently located at 2768 Laurier Street in Rockland, ON.

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